Falmouth Book Baristas Return for Corona 2020!

The Falmouth Book Baristas have been on hiatus as we packed and moved our Library to temporary space, operating for a year out of two classrooms in the Mason-Motz Activity Center.  Corona arrived just as we prepared to pack up to move into our newly renovated Library, full of enthusiasm for this incredible space and all its potential for new and enhanced programs and services.  We now join much of our community working remotely from home.  In these crazy and unprecedented times, a good book is always a comforting constant, and we would like to again share some good reads.

Speaking of good reads… do you have a free account at GoodReads.com?  It is a great way not only to keep track of what you read and what you want to read, but also a way you can connect with other readers (you can choose just people you know) to share suggestions.  GoodReads offers read-a-like suggestions too!

Now might also be a time to try an online book club.  Jenna Bush Hagar has a monthly book club via the Today Show.  Check Jenna’s book list here:  https://www.today.com/read-with-jenna

Reese Witherspoon has a monthly book club that you can find at  https://hello-sunshine.com/book-club

Finally, join the conversation here, or email reference@falmouthmemoriallibrary.org for questions and readers’ advisory.

Stay Well Readers!