Meeting Room Use

Our meeting rooms are available for use during regular library open hours. Room capacities listed are based on local codes, but may be significantly less depending on the desired setup of the room. We are happy to discuss reasonable capacities based on room setup when making a reservation.

Other than covered drinks (i.e. coffee, water), refreshments are NOT permitted in the Gam or the Study Rooms. If you intend to provide breakfast or lunch snacks, please book the Russell Room instead, and dispose of all trash in the bins provided.

Rooms Available

The Library has several multi-purpose rooms designed for varied educational and cultural activities such as lectures, workshops, meetings, or performances, available for use for a rental fee. These include the Russell Room, a large program room which may be divided in half for separate meetings, and “The GamConference Room, which is a board room with a single table seating 8-10, equipped with a white board as well as a large screen for connecting your own computer.

Watch a video tour of the Russell Room and Conference Room here.

Additionally, the Library has several smaller rooms designed for small group or individual study, called Study Rooms, as well as a Teen Meeting Room located in the Teen Room. These rooms may be used by patrons on a first-come first-served basis, for two hours, renewable for additional time if nobody else is waiting. These rooms cannot be reserved ahead of time.

Please read through our Meeting Room Use Policy for additional information on acceptable use of the rooms. To reserve a room, please visit All room requests must be submitted online. Room requests are not guaranteed until you receive written confirmation from Library staff.

Meeting Room Charges

Russell Room:
Whole Room: $30/hour (for individuals or businesses) or $20/hour (for non-profit groups), 2 hour minimum

Half Room: $15/hour, 2 hour minimum (for individuals or businesses), or free for Falmouth-based non-profits

“The Gam” Conference Room:
$20/hour, no minimum required, free for non-profits

Fees will be waived for public meetings of Falmouth-based non-profit organizations using a half Russell Room or the Conference Room, and all meetings of the Falmouth Town Council, Falmouth School Committee and their committees may use the meeting space without charge when available. All other groups must pay the above room fees. Fees are based on full hours only and must include time for both set up and clean up.

The Fine Print

As a community gathering place, Falmouth Memorial Library makes meeting rooms available for people to come together to exchange ideas and information.  This supports the Library’s mission to provide opportunities for cultural experiences, life-long learning, and access to information on a variety of topics.

The public’s use of the Library’s meeting rooms is protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Any meeting room open to the public is designated as a limited public forum for expressive activity. This requires that its use not be restricted on the basis of the content or viewpoint of the group’s speech.

Permission to use a Library meeting room does not constitute or imply the Library’s co-sponsorship of the event, or its endorsement of any group’s policies, beliefs, or programs.