The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe
The End of Your Life Book Club is simply a gem. It is a book that will find you, and inspire you, regardless of your circumstances. It is a book I want to share with everyone with whom I talk books!
A beautiful tribute to his mother by publisher and editor Will Schwalbe, The End of Your Life Book Club opens with Schwalbe’s mother’s pancreatic cancer diagnosis. As the author accompanies his mother to various appointments, and as they share the gift of presence, they share books. They read, they discuss, they recommend as they journey through her illness. What Mrs. Schwalbe values -the wisdom this book is about sharing–is often relayed in the context of a book. While discussing A Thousand Splendid Suns, they talk about decision making: “When you couldn’t decide between two things, she suggested you choose the one that allowed you to change course if necessary. Not the road less traveled but the road with the exit ramp.” During the chapter on Continental Drift, there is a wonderful story told “when I needed to remind myself that good news and bad news are often relative to your expectations, not anything absolute.”
Mary Anne Schwalbe is a remarkable woman, mother, humanitarian. The books they read (conveniently listed in the appendix) are such a mix. I have read several, and now will read several more, but having read or not read doesn’t impact the experience of this book. This is well written and moving, and so very worth the read!